At our church, Health Ministries is dedicated to helping our members and the community around us live healthier and more joyful lives. We do this by offering our members a variety of wellness activities and events, like our weekly Sabbath potluck which shows our congregation how to adopt healthy principles into their lives. We also organize seminars and classes on topics such as addiction recovery and stress management.
Email our health ministries leader with any questions or suggestions!
Following are some of the ongoing health ministries we have established in order to help lift up our members and our community:
Ladies' Rebounding - Wednesdays & Fridays @ 10:15am in the fellowship hall. Classes are open to the community! Contact Sherri Fales for more information at (304) 258-6620.
Men's Rebounding - Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 5pm in the fellowship hall
New Start Supper Club - Last Sunday of the month at 4pm
12-Step Recovery Group - watch for a new start date!
Neil Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program - watch for a new start date!
13 Weeks to Peace - A follow -up to the Depression and Anxiety class entitled 13 Weeks To Peace is being held each week on Mondays at 7:00 PM. Class is open to everyone so come and join us!
Health-related Resources:
Lifestyle Centers:
Freedom & Recovery Resources: